Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Oct 24, Tue - Exodus Intro

Next Quiz/Test: Monday is Quiz 4a: Proverbs 6:16-19 (ESV)

HandoutsNone given


Service Project: The 10 hours, 2 forms, and 1 essay are due on Apr 23, 2017
Book Report: Due Monday, Nov. 14 (report on TurnItIn.com; Art Project @ start of class)
Devotion 1 PresentationBe ready to present on your day! See class schedule.

Instructional Time: Unit 4: Exodus 1-20
Journal 4-2: Read Exodus 1:1-7
- 1) How many descendants of Jacob/Israel moved to Egypt with Joseph?
- - 70
- 2) v7) How did God bless these people of Israel? Write down the four words/phrases that explain this.
- - They... (See below)
- 3) How could this be a great thing for the people of Israel?
- - They grow in number and are a large group that can now be their own nation!
- 4) How could this be a dangerous thing for the people of Israel?
- - Various answers, but... if you were a natural Egyptian and you saw all these foreigners

The Pentateuch Table: Exodus (which means 'Exit')
Key Idea: Redemption
The Nation: Delivered (to set free)
The People: Redeemed (which, like Redemption, means 'bought back' or 'saved,' it involves a price being paid to save something)
God's Character: Merciful (time and time again in Exodus God's people do such sinful things that are like spitting in God's face! Yet God has mercy time and time again on them!)
God's Role: Deliverer (of his people)
God's Command: "Let my people go!"

Israel’s Beginnings:
Exodus 1:6-7) The state of Israel, they
- - Were Fruitful!
- - Multiplied Greatly!
- - Became Exceeding Numerous!
- - The land was filled with them!
- - In general... There were a lot of them and they kept on growing!

Ex 1:8-11) The Egyptians began to fear that Israel would fight against them, so they forced hard labor.
- - It sounds like the Israelites did not 'conform' to the Egyptian culture, so they were still their own distinct people.
- - Ex 1:12) Even though forced to work long and hard days, Israel still grew!

Ex 1:15-16) Pharaoh gave a new command to keep Israel from growing
- - He told the midwives (who are nurses that delivers babies), "Kill the Israelite male children!"
- - Ex 1:17) The midwives did not do this because they feared God much more than Pharaoh, so God blessed them!
- - Ex 1:20) So... Israel still grew!

Ex 1:22) Pharaoh gave another command, "Throw every newborn boy in the Nile River!"
- - This was now carried out by more than just midwives!
- - Perhaps his army would sweep the Israelite houses to see if they were hiding a child?
- - Who knows exactly, but this is where we come to the story of Moses!

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