Thursday, January 18, 2018

Jan 18, Thu - Unit 6 Test Review

Next Quiz/Test: Friday is your Unit 6 Test

HandoutsNone given

Service Project: The 10 hours, 2 forms, and 1 essay are due on Apr 23, 2018
Devotion 2 Presentations: Be ready for your presentation day!

Instructional Time: Unit 6: Leviticus 23-27 & Numbers
Journal: Students had a binder check & then we completed the below review game:

Unit 6 Review Questions:
1. After leaving the Promised Land, Korah led a rebellion—what did he rebel against?
Aaron & his family being the priests (thankfully Korah’s sons did not take part in this!)
2. Based upon this unit, experiencing God’s presence, care, & guidance in our lives should be our… what?
Highest Pleasure
3. Based upon this unit, what is the greatest possible blessing?
God’s own presence with us!
4. Concerning God’s saving & providing work—what did the feasts do?
Reminded Israel of them, celebrated them, & taught about them
5. Concerning our relationship with God, what does it reveal when we complain about things?
That we don’t trust or that we are unsatisfied with His care, guidance, & provision
6. Explain how Moses sinned in this unit.
He disobeyed God by striking a rock to get water -- (He lost his temper & had pride)
7. How did Joshua & Caleb distinguish themselves from the other Israelites?
They agreed with God that He could give Israel the Promised Land right away.
8. How did the Christmas story relate to this unit?
The Magi may have used the prophesy of Balaam to know that the star meant Jesus was born!
9. How did we describe the type of commitment & obedience that God requires of us?
Unqualified, complete and without limitations!
10. How did we say that we should pray, based on stories in this unit?
Humbly & in ways that agree with God’s will
11. In general, how did the feasts encouraged Israel to respond to?
Praise, joy, thanksgiving, repentance, trust, & faith
12. In the Feast of Tabernacles, Israel remembered how God cared for them for 40 years wandering in the wilderness.  Happening during the autumn fruit harvest, what emotion often went with this?
13. Name three different types of discipline that God used in this unit.
Ground swallowed, Fire consumed, Snakes attacked, Disease/Plague broke out, Leprosy was given
14. On what holiday would the High Priest present an offering to God in the Holy of Holies & also release a scapegoat into the wilderness?
The Day of Atonement (This symbolized both God’s forgiveness & also how we must send sin away!)
15. Rams horns (shofars) were blown in celebration of the Feast of Trumpets—this recognized the civil… what?
New Year
16. This unit shared that Moses was the most… what?
Humble man
17. This unit showed stories of several sinners.  What did Moses often pray for God to have for these sinners? It is something that God will often give instead of discipline!
18. What did Balak hire Balaam to do?
Curse Israel (something God told Balaam not to do—Balaam ended up giving advice that led Israel to sin)
19. What did Israel demonstrate when they ate the God-provided quail without any thanks or self-control?
Gluttony—something God does not like!
20. What does it mean that Jesus was the ‘firstfruit’ of the resurrection?
He was the first of many more humans who will be resurrected into the new & perfect body
21. What does the story of the Bronze snake teach about Jesus?
He would be lifted in the wilderness, & would save people who looked at Him in faith
22. What feast did Jesus use when he instituted “The Lord’s Supper’ (aka “Communion” or “Eucharist”)?
The Passover (remembering when God ‘passed over’ Israel when He judged Egypt)
23. What is a right way to respond to God when you are blessed?
Be grateful, be content, & continue to trust Him
24. What three things did the Feast of Jubilee help Israel do?
Keep from oppressing each other, keep from building up excessive wealth, give people a new start
25. What was the consequence of Moses sin in hitting the rock to get water when God only told him to speak?
He would die before entering the Promised Land
26. When does God keep His promises?
Always! Even when it seems unlikely (e.g. His people sinned) or if it takes a long time
27. When this happens it could mean that God is disciplining me, but that’s not always the case.  No matter what, it can always help me grow as a Christian.  What is ‘this’?
Bad things
28. Which feast celebrated God’s giving of the Law and the wheat harvest to his people? It came 7 weeks after the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Feast of Weeks
29. Which feast gave thanksgiving to and showed trust in God, recognizing that all of the harvest was from him?
30. Who received leprosy due to rebelling against Moses?
Miriam (Aaron supported her in this rebellion

Process Grid:

Picture Summary:

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